Support a project

Emu Music exists to encourage and equip the church in biblical, beautiful and transformative singing.

We welcome your support in helping us deliver several new and ongoing projects, to release us to serve and support churches and church musicians around the world. Below are our main areas of need and our progress in funding these areas.
We ask you to kindly consider contributing towards one or more of these areas, so that our ministry can continue to reach and resource churches around the world. Thank you for your consideration.
For more information, or to express your interest in supporting a project, please contact Philip at

With thanks,
The Emu team

Area of Need: More People To Join Our Team

There is a great need for trained music leaders in churches around the world. Recognising this, Emu Music has created a pathway for gifted musicians to receive hands-on music and theological training as they move towards vocational ministry. Through our networks, we are identifying ministry-minded Christians with gifts in music leadership to join this pathway. But it will take time and investment.

For more information, or to express your interest in supporting a project, please contact Philip at

1. Sponsor a ministry associate (intern)

We are looking to double our intake of ‘Ministry Associates’ to contribute to the need for more trained music leaders in churches. Our Associate Program has now had more than 10 ‘graduates,’ all now serving in church music leadership roles. Your gift will support Emu Music to hire one Ministry Associate for one year, matching the personal fund-raising each Associate will also be making to fund their salary.

Opportunities: 4
Cost: AUD10,000  / GBP5,000 p/a each 


2. Sponsor a full-time ministry staff member

We are taking on a new senior music ministry worker for 2024, who’ll have a key role in teaching and training at churches and conferences, discipling junior staff members, and with responsibility for special events planning and delivery. We need your support because our current team is at full capacity and we want to keep raising up senior ministry workers to join our team.

Opportunities: 1
Cost: AUD50,000 / GBP25,000 p/a each (or 5x AUD10,000 gifts or 10x AUD5,000 gifts)


AREA OF NEED: To Reach More people online

3. HymnBook Phase 2 Product Development

HymnBook is our new digital collection of over 100 songs and hymns from a range of trusted sources. Every song is (1) tagged by bible passage and theme to help improve service planning and song-choices and (2) has individually recorded parts (multi-tracks) that is a brilliant practice aid. ‘HymnBook 1.0’ is out now.

We would like to embark on a comprehensive project to develop ‘HymnBook 2.0’, including
– An app for tablets/smartphones
– Quarterly song releases
– User interface improvements
– API connectivity – to link seamlessly to church management software

Opportunities: 1
Cost: AUD75,000 / GBP 38,000 (or 15x AUD5,000) over two years



We want to reach as many people as possible with our training and development content. To do this, we’d like to audit our current marketing and communications processes and build a team and platform to deliver our Word In Song Online material more effectively and more broadly. This includes a podcast and video shorts. There is a lot of online content about church music and worship, and we would like to speak into this space as there is much misunderstanding and sometimes damaging teaching. 

Opportunities: 1
Cost: AUD6,000 / GBP3,000 each year


Area of Need: Ministry Resources

5. New Emu HQ... a much-needed office space

Our HQ space was a wonderful provision for 2022, but quickly become unsuitable for our needs. Moore College offered us office space on an adjoining property from the start of 2023, allowing us to meet as a team and also break off into smaller groups depending on the task, meeting or activity. Doing ministry alongside future church leaders and workers will, under God, produce wonderful fruit for the word ministry of music in churches all over the world. Unfortunately, the increase in rent was not a cost we could afford.

Opportunities: 1
Cost: AUD10,000 / GBP5,000 each year

Fully funded for 2023-25! 100%

6. Fund church partnerships for smaller parishes

We have entered an exciting new chapter, developing a new ‘ministry-to-ministry’ subscription model, working directly with churches on an annual basis to support the training of their music volunteers. Our packages start from AUD1,200 for a small church for 12 months, providing musicians/sound people full access to our Word in Song conference and online training tool, HymnBook, Emu Music Resource Library and more. But we are mindful of many small, under-resourced churches that cannot afford our Church Partnership subscription fees. Your gift would provide one church access to this package for a year. It could be for your own church, or a church that needs it that you or Emu identifies.

Opportunities: 10
Cost: AUD1,200 / GBP600 p/a each



Provide a complete music resource, HymnBook, for an under-resourced church. HymnBook is a digital collection of hymns and contemporary songs that can help churches run and sustain a music ministry. For more information, visit

Opportunities: 10
Cost: AUD240/GBP120 p/a each

Web Designer 0%

1. All gifts over $2 are tax-deductible contributions in Australia  [ABN: 25287613279].
2. Click here to read our donation policy.